martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Summer Work

I recommend summer work on aural skills (listening and speaking) by clicking on the following link missisabelonlineblablabla. However, if you are more interested in practising grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing, I advise you to browse missisabelonline, your English blog instead.
No excuses to get started!!!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Welcome to the Blog!!!

Welcome to the B1 & B2 blog :)
First things first! Before getting to work, we must do the level test to double check we are where we should. Click on the link provided on the right-handed menu in order to do it.

Bienvenidos al blog B1 y B2 :)
¡Lo primero es lo primero!. Antes de ponernos a trabajar, debemos hacer la prueba de nivel y comprobar que estamos donde deberíamos. Pinchad
el enlace del menú de la derecha para hacerlo.